Sunday, 8 January 2012

Oxford Reading Tree - Book 3

Pioneer Girl by Pat Thomson
                                  The Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder

Laura Ingalls Wilder lived in America 130 years ago.  Laura's family were pioneers and she had many adventures as they travelled through woods, over prairies and across rivers in their covered wagon.  This is the story of Laura's exciting childhood.


Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder (February 7, 1867 – February 10, 1957) was an American author who wrote the Little House series of books based on her childhood in a pioneer family.  Laura's daughter, Rose, inspired Laura to write her books.  



blizzard: a very bad storm

candy: sweets

claim: a piece of land to live on.  The Government gave it to newcomers to encourage them to settle.

cornbread: flat bread made from corn

creek: a stream

Indian:  the name which is used to be given to the people who lived in North America before white people arrived (now called "Native Americans")

pioneer:  the first to do something.  In America, a pioneer was someone who settled on new land.

prairies: grasslands.

prairie chicken: a wild prairie bird which was good to eat.

quilt: a bed cover.

replica: a copy of something

sap: the juice of a plant.  The sap of a maple tree can be made into maple syrup or hardened into sugar.


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